Healing the Fox

Aerea : move slowly as the fox was very heavy. “Queen Acacia, I found you at last. Can you help this fox, he fell onto some sharp rocks, his roots are not as good a climbing as mine.”

Acacia: leans over and reaches out her hand to take the tiny fox kit from the dryad , biting her lip to keep from smiling as the fox kit was very close in size to the tiny dryad. “Here, let me see him” As she had been meditating on her element of water from the bee garden, seeing if distance from the element made a difference, she was open to her element.

Aerea: lifted the kit onto Acacia’s out stretched hands, stepping back to let the Queen do her stuff.

Acacia: Lifting the tiny kit, she could see some tiny cuts on the tender pads of the kit.She spoke in fae *homer hufl hogat* and a gentle stream of water came from her hand to cleanse the cuts. They were not serious, but would be very painful for the tiny fox to walk on. releasing her conection with the element of water with a whispered thank you,  She reached out for the element of fire,  finding it, feel her pulse quicken, speaking in fae once more *rwulqude ruci, bacurv olg miow* focusing on purifying and curing the tiny cuts.  The kit wriggled on her palm, yipping that it tickled.

Aerea gasped surprised by the flames that has surrounded the foxes feet. “are they going to burn him?” stepping back with an instinctive fear of all fire.

Acacia Thanking the lord of Fire, she broke the connection when the flame shifted from healing to tickling. “There you go little one” as the fox tried to lick her face and tumbled to land at her feet, bouncing right back up to look at Aerea with bright eyes.  “No, the elements know what they are doing far more than I. But he is all better, go run and play. ”
