Folding the Golem

Acacia shuffled the papers on the table, both the carefully handcrafted paper from plants in Samar’s garden and the notes that she had made following her interview with the Magician. Setting the various spices out on the work table, and the ink that had come from her and Nifredil’s studies on perfecting an ink. The table had been cleaned and scrubbed, the area cleansed and hallowed. It was time. Picking up the feather quill she began to inscribe runes and drawings on the parchment. Everything she needed was set within reach.

Once the carefully inscribed ink was dry, She took a a knife, her amethyst atheme, and used the tip to slice off the unwanted paper.

Taking the top corner of the paper, she folded it down to the bottom corner, running her finger along the fold to crease it. Opening it again, she folded the paper in half sideways. Once this was done she flipped it over, Folding the paper in half, Using her finger to set the crease once more, and then folded it again in the other direction.
taking small pinches of the each of the spices set out she sprinkled the page with salt, cinnamon, lemonseed, onion powder and ginger root while
whispering the words the magician and taught her “Olirs Morthan Bathaor Gomgana Dir”

Taking the paper by the sharp folds she had created, she folded the top 3 corners of the model down to the bottom corner, running her had across to smooth and flatten it as she worked. Picking up three beeswax candles, she set them around the folded paper. Taking the paper she had cut away she twisted it tightly and used it to catch a bit of the flame from the fire burning under the cauldron to light the candles, whispering “Lathom Korak Gofan Jaloth”

She then folded the top triangular flaps into the centre and unfold bring the top of the form down, fingers running along the folds to keep them sharp.
Open the uppermost flap of the model, bringing it upwards and pressing the sides of the model inwards at the same time. This action she repeated on the back side of the model.

Folding the top flaps into the center on both sides, folding the resulting shapes up once more then pulling the paper out along the fold, she raises it to just before her mouth and breathes the words “Layok Kintor Yalum Manong” onto the model. She feels an odd sensation in her mouth but recalled this magican moving the bird through the flames of the candles at this point, so she did as well. She made a crisp fold that formed a head. She looked at the paper, breathing on it once more breathing out a purple and slightly sparkly smoke and the wings began to flutter, taking flight for a moment before settling down on her hand with a small chirp.

She smiled. It was done. Now she would be able to show the magician when she next saw him.
